Wednesday 29 February 2012

day five of line dancing

on this day we had to do the actual dance, it was nervous as we had to do it outside, i think we did it like 3 times outside cause we didnt want anyone else to see, we kept getting it right but then we were so embarressed of other people seeing we didnt want to do it, but then at the end we done it inside and edited differently for example we added the outside clips and combined it with the inside clips, i think it went perfectly, even though we did it three times.

I have enojoyed this unit very much it was very fun as we were all working together

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Day Five Of Line Dancing

On this day we all had a dress rehearsal and we practised line dancing in the drama studio, we then had to teach everyone what we learnt and practised and we put it all together and taught everyone.

Day Four Of Line Dancing

On this day we got all our things to together and we rehearsed our performance over and over again, we got it right all the moves but then it was to short so we added another two moves which where the shuffle and where you lift your foot and tap the sole of it. We did it over and over again until we all got it right.

Day Three Of Line Dancing

On this day we all performed but added more moves and fixed are moves. We added a move which mostly everyone found confusing which was the gallop front and then back. It was quite confusing to do but at the end we realized it was just a gallop so we did it and fount it easy.

Monday 30 January 2012

Day Two Of Line Dancing

On this day we learnt and gained more experience of line dancing. What we first did was we went over the steps we already did. We then learnt more steps and edited them for example the electric slide and the electric boogie. These steps got more and more complicated as we added more steps to it like the box step which people found very complicating.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day One Of Line Dancing

In this lesson we looked at a new type of dance with our teacher Mr Chapman who is our media teacher. He is a professional dancer which helped the class a lot, we started to learn the dance which was the tush push and the grape vine. Line dancing is from Texas in America. This was the first time any members of the class had never before line danced. Our teacher went through the dance step by step, i found it quite easy there was just one step i found confusing was where we had to jump, push our leg out; other than that it went brilliantly.

My first impression of line dancing was that some people found it kind of difficult but i found it boring, due to us doing the same routine over and over again just to get it right.

Monday 24 October 2011

Day Three Bollywood Dancing

This was probably the best day of Bollywood dancing so far. We used the first dance we ever did, which we learnt of with a song called Jai Ho by the Pussycat Dolls.

What we did in the lesson?
- Me (Jaydeep), Rajan, Rashna, Minhazul, Aditi and Sara had to dance as we thought we should up our performance a little bit. We all danced to Jai Ho and thought of more ideas through our the dance. We then thought of an idea, well Rajan did and it was to have all girls and boys seperate in one line but on different sides; opposite each other. We then made it even better by making a gap between each boy and girl, where then after the boys come through the girls and do the sprinkler.

How the lesson was; how i found it
- The lesson was fun and exciting, it was the best lesson since we started bollywood dancing and i cant wait for another lesson as its getting better.